Park Avenue Synagogue

Park Avenue Synagogue
Basic information
Location 50 East 87th Street in Manhattan, New York City, New York
Geographic coordinates
Affiliation Conservative Judaism
Rite Ashkenazic
Status Active
Leadership Rabbi: Elliot Cosgrove, Ph.D.
Cantor: Nancy Abramson
Website Park Avenue Synagogue Website
Architectural description

The Park Avenue SynagogueAgudat Yesharim- (The Association of the Righteous) is a Conservative Jewish congregation located at 50 East 87th Street on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York City. Founded in 1882, the congregation is one of the largest and most influential synagogues in the United States.

The congregation was originally founded in 1882 as the Reform congregation, "Temple Gates of Hope", by a group of German Jews. After several mergers, the congregation took the Hebrew name "Agudat Yesharim," and later petitioned the state of New York to change the official name of the congregation to "Park Avenue Synagogue" in 1923. In 1927, the present Moorish-style building on East 87th Street was constructed. By the 1930s, the congregation changed its affiliation from Reform Judaism to Conservative in order to accommodate the merger of the congregation with several other congregations containing large numbers of Eastern European Jews.

Currently, the synagogue is led by Senior Rabbi Elliot J. Cosgrove, PhD. In the past, the congregation has been led by such famous rabbis as Rabbi Milton Steinberg and Rabbi Judah Nadich.

External links